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I have more than 100 publications. Here are some of my most representative:


Atlas, M., & Hart, T.L. (2023). Appraisals of cancer, religious/spiritual coping, and hope in colorectal cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 43, 337-354.


Hare, C.J., Crangle, C., McGarragle, K., Ferguson, S.E., Hart, T.L. (2022) Change in cancer-related fatigue over time predicts health-related quality of life in ovarian cancer patients. Gynecologic Oncology, 166(3), 487-493


Huband, H., Hart, T., Boehmer, U. (2022). Cancer and the SGM population in Canada and the USA. In: Boehmer, U., Dennert, G. (Eds.) LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context. Springer Cham, NY, NY. (pp. 95-129).

Hart, T. A., Vernon, J. R. G., & Hart, T. L. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy: Applications (pp. 795–822). American Psychological Association.


McGarragle, K.M., Hart, T.L., Swallow, C., Brar, S., Govindarajan, A., Cohen, Z., Aronson, M. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to CDH1 carriers contemplating or undergoing prophylactic total gastrectomy. Familial Cancer, 20, 157-169.


Kim, S.R, Tone, A., Kim, R.H., Cesari, M., Clarke, B.A., Eiriksson, L., Hart, T., Aronson, M., Holter, S., Lytwyn, A., Maganti, M., Oldfield., L., Gallinger, S., Bernardini, M.Q., Oza, A.M., Djordjevic, B., Lerner-Ellis, J., Van de Laar, E., Vicus, D., Puch, T., Pollett, A., & Ferguson, S.E. (2020). Performance characteristics of screening strategies to identify Lynch syndrome in women with ovarian cancer. Cancer, 126(22), 4886-4894.


Albiani, J.J., McShane, K., Holter, S., Semotiuk, K., Aronson, M., Cohen, Z., Hart, T.L. (2019). The impact of health anxiety on perceptions of personal and children’s health in parents with Lynch syndrome. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28(3), 495-506. 


McGarragle, K,,  Holter, S., Hare, C., Holter, S., Anglin Facey, D., McShane, K., Gallinger, S., & Hart, T. L. (2019). Examining intrafamilial communication of colorectal cancer risk status to family members and kin responses to colonoscopy: A qualitative study. Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 17, 16.


Crangle, C.J., Torbit, L.A., Ferguson, S.E., & Hart, T.L. (2019). Dyadic coping mediates the effects of attachment on quality of life among couples facing ovarian cancer. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43, 564-575.


McGarragle, K,, Aronson, M., Semotiuk, K., Holter, S., Hare, C., Ferguson, S., Cohen, Z., Hart, T. L. (2019). Patient-physician relationships, health self-efficacy, and gynecologic cancer screening among women with Lynch syndrome. Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 17(1), 1-9.


Hart, T.L., Charles, S.T., Gunaratne, M., Baxter, N.N., Cotterchio, M., Cohen, Z., Gallinger, S. (2018). Symptom severity and quality of life among long-term colorectal survivors compared with matched controls: A population based study. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 61, 355-363


Malivoire, B, Hare, C.J., & Hart, T.L. (2018). Psychological symptoms and perceived cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: The role of rumination. Rehabilitation Psychology, 63, 286-294.


Hart, T.L., Hare, C. J., & Latini, D.L. (2018).  Illness intrusiveness and social support in gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer.  In J. Ussher, J. Perz, B.R.S. Rosser (eds). Gay and Bisexual Men Living with Prostate Cancer: From Diagnosis to Recovery (pp. 200–216). New York, NY: Harrington Park Press. 


Crangle, C., & Hart, T.L. (2017). Adult attachment, hostile conflict, and relationship adjustment among couples facing multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22, 836-853.


Li, J., Hart, TL, Aronson, M., Crangle, C, & Govindarajan, A. (2016). Cancer worry, perceived risk, and cancer screening in first degree relatives of patients with familial gastric cancer. Journal of Genetic Counselling, 25(3), 520-528.


Torbit, L., Albiani, J.J., Aronson, M., Holter, S., Semotiuk, K., Cohen, Z., & Hart, T.L. (2016). Physician trust moderates the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and cancer worry interference among women with Lynch syndrome. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 39, 420-428.


Caplan, R.A., Maunder, R.G., Stempak, J.M., Silverberg, M.S., & Hart, T. L. (2014). Attachment, childhood abuse, and IBD-related quality of life and disease activity outcomes.  Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 20(5), 909-15.


Hart, T.L., Coon, D., Kowalkowski, M., Zhang, K., Hersom, J., & Latini, DM. (2014). Changes in sexual roles and quality of life for gay men after prostate cancer: Challenges for sexual health providers. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11, 2308–2317.


Hart, T.L., Blacker, S., Panjwani, A., & Evans, M.  (2015).  Development of multimedia informational tools for breast cancer patients with low levels of health literacy. Patient Education and Counselling, 98, 370-377. 


View a full list of my publications.



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I provide online therapy to people residing in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia

© 2024 by Tae Hart, Ph.D. 

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